
Every once in a while there are things in this business that are just really make you love what you do. Don’t get me wrong, the hospitality business is a great one. You meet people from all over with all different stories. However, I really relate and love the transient boaters that come to Smithfield […]

Windsor Castle Archaeology

Dig to address many unknowns about the property. Archaeology is a science which draws from many disciplines. Since 2010, the Wheatland Foundation, a non-profit organization, in Williamsburg, Va., has worked with the Town of Smithfield at Windsor Castle to conduct field investigations and preliminary laboratory processing and analyses. This ongoing work will help guide proposed […]

Coldest Winter On Record For Smithfield

A new record is set. So yeah, it was a cold winter here.  Coldest on record actually.  There are a couple of lessons that need to be learned from this.  For starters, Smithfield Station has seen its fair share of hurricanes over the year.  Nor’ Easters as well.  In fact, this is a place that […]

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