Smithfield Hotel Special Offers

Check back often for all the latest hotel offers and special promotions for your next stay in Smithfield, Virginia.

New Offers Coming Soon...

Contact us to learn more and include add-ons to your reservation

NEW Luxury Robe

Upgrade your stay with our new plush robes


Add-on flowers to make your stay even more memorable

Champagne & Strawberries

Create a truly romantic getaway with this add-on

Ham Biscuits & Beer

Enjoy Smithfield's famous ham and beer to pair with this add-on

Want to learn more about what Smithfield has to offer for your special day?

Smithfield & Isle of Wight County Tourism would be delighted to work with you to plan tours of any of our local wedding venues and meetings with local vendors of your choice. This service is free!

Contact Judy Winslow at jwinslow@isleofwightus.net or
757-357-2476 to make arrangements or go to GenuineSmithfieldVA.com for more information.
* Please note, for any of the packages above, you cannot combine them with other promotional offers, and they do NOT include any additional alcoholic beverages. 
Start Your Escape at Virginia's Best Coastal Destination